Thursday, June 20, 2013

Efficiency in the Real Estate Business in Bergen County

Efficiency in the real estate business is essential.   The question comes up: Do you just run around and put out fires?  Do you just react to what is going on with transactions?

Planning one's day is essential to the efficiency of any business or profession.  The plan in the real estate business should include prospecting phone calls,  prospecting set up, follow-up phone calls , time with clients, keeping up to date on the market and above all else organization of your schedule to make you more efficient.

So what does it is all entail?  Simply it entails the planning of one's day and one's time. Obviously we have personal lives, we have business lives and we have family. The most important thing you need to plan first is yourself.  This doesn't mean that your family is not the most important thing because it is. What it means is simply that if you don't schedule things for yourself first, you never will. So get out a piece of paper and write down the things that you need to do for yourself on a regular basis. These things could include reading a magazine, taking a walk or just simply some quiet time with a cup of coffee or an adult beverage.  It is so very important to have time for yourself.  This way you have something to look forward to.  Then there's the family which needs a lot of time and a lot of love.

So now that we've got personal and family time written down we have the time left to schedule our business activities. So let's talk about the most important part of that planning which is blocking off time to achieve the objectives you have set forth in your mind. Blocking off time on a weekly basis and daily basis sets forth a commitment you make to your business,  that you probably didn't think about.

This blocking idea will allow you to keep on track and be more efficient with your time therefore you will be happy and ultimately make more money. You'll not be reacting to things because you'll be proactive by making those follow-up calls because you scheduled that one day a week that one hour, two hours on that certain day to make those follow-up calls.  Scheduling the important follow up and review activities is essential to peace of mind in this great business of ours because you can never question whether you did something or not.  It will become part of your weekly activities.  Most of us today just do what is necessary on a transaction by transaction basis.  If one remains pro-active, there can never be any panic or question about what you have to do.

I bet this sounds easy. If you think it is, it is. For more information on how to effectively plan your time please hit this link and watch the short video:

Do you need a plan?  An action plan that has been proven to work by agents in Bergen County!
Click PLAN, to see a specific video to get started to get organized? 
Click ORGANIZED to find the easy way to get productive!

Monday, January 21, 2013

National Real Estate Buzz and Bergen County for 2012

Okay, so everyone is saying that the real estate market is coming back and that we are going to see all of these great things in 2013. 
Slow down folks!

When it comes to the New York metropolitan area, things may not be all rosey and perky.  While yes, things have improved, remember that we are well behind the rest of the country.  This is not to say that 2013 won't be a good year.  What it says is to get eductaed about what has and might happen.
Bergen County, overall, is doing well.
For the entire scoop on these words-check out this video on the entire real estate scene:
